Pulp fiction film review for a blog
In fact It was 15 long years after 1994 before I would ever see Pulp Fiction. But when I did eventually experience the cinematic genius Tarantino’s film making, at first it just simply confused and frustrated me. I’d never seen any film done in this way or in this style before. No other film had left me so confused and full of so many questions. In the end I just thought pulp fiction was weird and instantly dismissed it.
However, later, I was left pondering too, like so many before me. I eventually decided to watch it again because I felt I had missed something. I had just let the film wash over me like a confusing tidal wave of nonsense. As I watched pulp fiction for the second time I started to break it down in my head and notice that everything was done for a reason. That Tarantino only wants us to see certain things and shows certain camera shots to make us see things differently, to remove the omniscience of the audience by restricting their view of the films events. He dictates what we see rather than us being all knowing and all seeing, turning the viewer into a questioning bystander. One way he does this is by revealing the film in a non chronological order, I personally feel he does this to keep the audience guessing and increase the films unpredictability factor. Another reason that Tarantino does this is to interlink the several almost separate scenarios into one mixed up storyline containing the same set of characters.
However the films major worldwide success wasn’t all down to Tarantino, the film was also made great by the peculiar and dramatic dialogue exchanged within the film by Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Harvey Keitel and obviously Quentin Tarantino as well, among various other big names. Pulp Fiction has so many famous quotes and is renowned for its crazy, violent and unpredictable situations. For example the scene where Vincent (played by John Travolta) accidentally shoots the character Marvin (played by Phil LaMarr) while driving in Jules’ (Samuel L Jackson‘s) car in broad day light at around nine in the morning in a quiet suburb.
It is for these reasons, and many more, that pulp fiction was nominated for such a mountain of movie awards including seven Oscars winning the award for best original screen play.
John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman all received an Academy Award nomination that year, and on the films release at the Cannes film festival Pulp Fiction was also awarded the Palme d'Or. And no wonder the film in my opinion the film is and will always be an epic.
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