'Experimental Film requires a different kind of spectatorship.' Has this been your experience? [35]
Un Chien Andalou, the infamous 1929 surrealist short film from Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali, attests to this. Now add your personal response and discussion of spectatorship issues
When I watched Un Chien Andalou I was first confused be the odd imagery of the film and was challenged by the lack of narrative and continuity but after the initial impact of the film I found that I could watch the film without the same feeling of confusion. I felt that I was starting to question the metaphors represented in the film. Although the film was serious I found myself laughing at certain parts that I felt looked weird, such as the woman getting ran over and the dribbling man as he gropes a woman.
Chris Marker became known internationally for the short film La Jetée (1962). It tells of a post-nuclear war experiment in time travel by using a series of filmed photographs developed as a photomontage of varying pace, with limited narration and sound effects. Now add your personal response and discussion of spectatorship issues
For me, watching La Jatee was easier than watching the other experimental films because it was the most conventional as far as narrative goes. the series of pictures were so well taken it was like watching a normal film. However i did find it a bit slow paced. although I did like the paradox ending and the ideas behind the story which I thought was very thought provoking. I thought that the idea of the narrative where people get inserted into a dream world/ fake reality reminds me of the matrix and the story behind the game assassins creed.
Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) is a work that maintains all of the mystery, tranquility, unpredictability, and personal attachment that is ever present within the world of dreams. Now add your personal response and discussion of spectatorship issues
I felt that I could not connect with this film and I was bored by the repetitive cycles in the narrative and felt that the soundtrack was unnerving. However I did like the camera work on the stairs which was both disorientating and unique.
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